S5 E2 Complex Feelings About Fertility

I recently had the opportunity to sit down with my friend Jocelyn Tiner and just have a conversation about the grief you feel with a miscarriage, the grief you feel when you can't get pregnant, the grief you feel regarding all the things that come along with this. Sometimes it's hard to get our heads around things that happen to us or things that don't happen to us. These feelings are big and sometimes very difficult to navigate especially when we have outside forces trying to weigh in. You question your thoughts, you wonder why did this happen, is what I am feeling ok? When does it get better? Basically just a constant barrage of stuff going on in your head and in your body. It’s exhausting. And sometimes it is not visible to others. Which makes it even harder.  But you are not alone.  

I also want to include a trigger warning. During this episode we talk about miscarriages and sexual abuse.


S5 E 3 My Grief Now


S5 E1 Time to Grieve?